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Alice in Wonderland – Teaser Trailer

We’d Rather Get a Public Enema: Miles and Katie Don’t Like Public Enemies

Public Enemies
Miles: So Public Enemies
Katie:  So yeah – hated it.
Miles: (laughs). That’s all, folks
Katie: How do you take a fascinating story and turn it into a 3-hour long lame-fest? Just ask Mann. He shouldn’t have directed it – I thought all of his shots were wrong.
Miles:  I think you may be right, and I say that with reservations, because I don’t think the movie is terrible, but it is boring without a doubt.
Katie:  Meh. Honestly the only thing I was impressed by was the sound editing during the gun fights, which were incredible. The sound was perfect.
Miles:  The thing is, it’s almost a carbon copy of Miami Vice in that it’s shot in the same style, has long stretches of uninteresting, unenlightening character moments and then suddenly bursts forth with some interesting action beats. Beyond that, there’s not much that you can’t glean from the trailer. All of the best lines are there and you’re certainly not going to learn anything about Dillinger or Pervis. Especially Pervis… Continue reading

Burton’s ‘Alice in Wonderland’

Wanna see some really creepy photos from Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland?

Fine. Here:

Alice Continue reading


I love pirates, but stop making these movies already! For fuck’s sake…

“Disney, Depp return to ‘Caribbean'”

News of The Lone Ranger is cool, but honestly I can’t take another one of these pirate films. I just can’t.